InnovationQ+™ Patents & Applications Coverage

Coverage as of 2025-01-02

IP5+WO: Patents & Applications

Full-text with machine-translations for non-English. Learn more about IP5

Country/Authority Collection Bibliographic Full-Text
Earliest Latest Earliest Latest
China (CN) Applications (Invention) 1985-09-10 2024-12-31 1985-09-10 2024-12-31
Patents (Design) 1985-09-10 2022-03-11
Patents (Invention) 1985-04-05 2024-12-31 1985-09-10 2024-12-31
Patents (Utility Model) 1985-09-10 2024-12-31 1985-09-10 2024-12-31
Applications (Invention) 1978-12-20 2025-01-01 1978-12-20 2025-01-01
Patents (Invention) 1980-01-09 2025-01-01 1980-01-09 2025-01-01
Japan (JP)
Applications (Invention) 1970-05-18 2024-12-27 1983-01-05 2024-12-27
Applications (Utility Model) 1971-09-13 2019-05-16 1983-01-05 2006-02-09
Patents (Design) 1962-01-26 2024-12-20
Patents (Invention) 1926-12-08 2024-12-27 1983-01-05 2024-12-27
Patents (Utility Model) 1913-02-06 2024-12-27 1983-01-05 2024-12-27
Korea (KR) Applications (Invention) 1980-05-31 2024-12-31 1980-05-31 2024-12-31
Applications (Utility Model) 1983-01-25 2024-12-31 1995-12-18 2024-12-31
Patents (Design) 1994-03-14 2021-01-26
Patents (Invention) 1970-08-20 2024-12-31 1979-07-12 2024-12-31
Patents (Utility Model) 1976-07-17 2024-12-31 1978-11-30 2024-12-31
United States (US)
Applications (Plant) 2001-08-02 2024-12-26 2001-08-02 2024-12-26
Applications (Utility) 2001-03-15 2024-12-26 2001-03-15 2024-12-26
Patents (Defensive) 1968-12-10 1988-07-05 1968-12-10 1978-02-07
Patents (Design) 1865-09-12 2024-12-31 1924-10-28 2024-12-31
Patents (Plant) 1931-08-18 2024-12-31 1931-08-18 2024-12-31
Patents (Reissue) 1839-04-23 2024-12-31 1920-01-20 2024-12-31
Patents (SIR) 1985-12-03 2018-08-07 1985-12-03 2018-08-07
Patents (Utility) 1790-07-31 2024-12-31 1920-01-06 2024-12-31
WIPO (WO) Applications (Invention) 1978-10-19 2025-01-02 1978-10-19 2025-01-02

Full-Text: Patents & Applications

Full-text with machine-translations for non-English.

Country/Authority Collection Bibliographic Full-Text
Earliest Latest Earliest Latest
Australia (AU)
Applications (Innovation) 2001-01-09 2025-01-02 2001-06-07 2025-01-02
Applications (Petty) 1985-01-31 1987-07-02
Applications (Provisional) 1994-01-06 2025-01-02
Applications (Standard) 1900-01-14 2025-01-02 1980-10-22 2025-01-02
Patents (Design) 1972-08-15 2019-02-12
Patents (Innovation) 2001-08-02 2025-01-02 2001-08-02 2025-01-02
Patents (Petty) 1977-01-20 2020-07-30 1991-08-26 2020-07-30
Patents (Standard) 1900-01-14 2025-01-02 1981-11-26 2025-01-02
Austria (AT) Applications (Invention) 1914-05-01 2024-12-15 2005-04-15 2024-12-15
Patents (Invention) 1899-07-10 2024-12-15 1902-02-10 2024-12-15
Patents (Utility Model) 1994-07-25 2024-12-15 1994-07-25 2024-12-15
Belgium (BE) Applications (Invention) 1993-01-26 2024-12-18 1993-01-26 2024-12-18
Patents (Invention) 1842-08-11 2024-12-19 1842-08-11 2024-12-19
Brazil (BR) Applications (Invention) 1965-05-03 2024-11-26 2009-01-06 2024-11-26
Patents (Invention) 1995-01-17 2024-11-26 2001-02-01 2024-11-26
Bulgaria (BG) Applications (Invention) 1993-12-24 2024-12-16 1994-01-03 2024-12-16
Applications (Utility Model) 1993-12-03 2006-10-31 1994-06-30 2004-07-30
Patents (Additional Improvement) 1973-02-15 1993-07-15
Patents (Certificate of Invention) 1973-02-15 2000-05-31 2000-05-31 2000-05-31
Patents (Invention) 1969-06-28 2024-12-16 1994-01-18 2024-11-29
Patents (Utility Model) 1994-09-30 2024-12-16 1995-10-31 2024-11-29
Canada (CA)
Applications (Invention) 1989-10-27 2024-07-13 1989-10-27 2024-07-01
Patents (Design) 1863-05-18 2024-11-14
Patents (Invention) 1869-08-11 2024-07-02 1973-09-18 2024-06-25
Czech Republic (CZ) Applications (Invention) 1993-01-13 2024-12-18 1993-01-13 2024-12-11
Patents (Invention) 1993-03-17 2024-12-18 1993-03-17 2024-12-11
Patents (Utility Model) 1992-12-16 2024-12-10 1992-12-16 2024-11-28
Czechoslovakia (CS) Applications (Certificate of Invention) 1982-02-26 1991-09-15 1984-11-19 1991-02-12
Applications (Invention) 1984-01-16 1996-08-14 1984-03-20 1992-12-16
Patents (Certificate of Invention) 1964-04-15 1992-06-10 1980-01-31 1992-06-10
Patents (Invention) 1911-08-25 1993-03-17 1980-01-31 1993-03-17
Denmark (DK) Applications (Invention) 1949-08-22 2024-12-11 1980-01-07 2024-12-11
Applications (Utility Model) 1992-08-28 2024-11-20 1992-08-28 2024-11-20
Patents (Invention) 1895-03-25 2024-12-16 1983-03-07 2024-12-13
Patents (Utility Model) 1992-08-28 2024-03-14 1992-08-28 2024-03-14
EAPO (EA) Applications (Invention) 1996-07-01 2022-03-31
Patents (Invention) 1997-03-31 2024-12-06 1997-03-31 2024-12-06
Finland (FI) Applications (Invention) 1968-05-31 2024-12-18 1980-01-12 2024-12-18
Patents (Invention) 1842-06-29 2024-12-20 1980-01-07 2024-12-19
France (FR)
Applications (Invention) 1965-12-10 2024-12-27 1970-07-10 2024-12-13
Applications (Utility Certificate) 1969-09-12 2024-12-27 1970-01-09 2024-12-13
Patents (Invention) 1853-10-25 2024-12-13 1861-08-05 2019-11-29
Patents (Utility Certificate) 1969-08-02 2024-12-13 1981-07-17 2019-11-29
Germany (DE + DD) Applications (Invention) 1886-09-02 2024-12-24 1886-09-02 2024-12-24
Applications (Utility Model) 2020-10-01 2024-12-12
Patents (Invention) 1877-07-02 2024-12-24 1877-07-02 2024-12-24
Patents (Utility Model) 1900-01-01 2024-12-19 1931-05-13 2024-11-21
Great Britain (GB)
Applications (Invention) 1899-06-24 2024-12-25 1979-02-06 2024-12-18
Patents (Invention) 1782-07-04 2024-12-25 1980-01-03 2019-11-27
Hungary (HU) Applications (Invention) 1970-03-02 2024-11-28 1985-11-28 2018-12-28
Applications (Plant) 1990-02-28 2011-02-28
Applications (Utility Model) 1992-03-28 2017-09-28
Patents (Invention) 1913-07-07 2024-11-28 1980-01-28 2024-10-28
Patents (Plant) 2019-04-29 2019-04-29
Patents (Utility Model) 1992-08-28 2024-11-28 1997-02-28 2017-02-28
India (IN) Applications (Invention) 1900-01-01 2024-12-06 1900-01-01 2024-12-06
Patents (Design) 1998-10-17 2024-12-06
Patents (Invention) 1900-01-01 2024-12-06 1900-01-01 2024-08-09
Latvia (LV) Applications (Invention) 1994-03-10 2024-10-20 1994-10-20 2017-06-20
Patents (Invention) 1993-06-10 2024-10-20 1994-10-20 2024-10-20
Lithuania (LT) Applications (Invention) 1994-03-25 2024-11-25 1996-02-26 2018-07-10
Patents (Certificate of Invention) 2016-09-12 2023-09-11
Patents (Invention) 1992-10-15 2024-12-10 1994-08-25 2024-12-10
Luxembourg (LU) Applications (Invention) 2017-01-19 2021-09-16
Patents (Invention) 1900-01-01 2024-12-13 1980-01-22 2024-12-13
Netherlands (NL) Applications (Invention) 1900-01-01 2024-12-12 1980-01-02 2024-12-12
Patents (Invention) 1900-01-01 2024-12-12 1997-01-07 2024-12-12
Portugal (PT) Applications (Invention) 1961-06-22 2024-11-26 1990-02-08 2020-12-28
Applications (Utility Model) 1967-06-23 2024-11-28 1990-01-15 2018-06-14
Patents (Invention) 1977-04-03 2024-11-29 1986-01-24 2024-11-29
Patents (Utility Model) 1969-02-13 2024-11-21 1992-02-28 2018-05-29
Romania (RO) Applications (Invention) 1907-01-08 2024-11-29 1994-11-28 2024-11-29
Patents (Invention) 1973-01-20 2024-11-29 1993-01-01 2024-11-29
Russia (RU + SU) Applications (Invention) 1993-09-07 2024-12-20 1993-09-07 1993-09-07
Patents (Invention) 1900-01-01 2024-12-20 1924-09-15 2024-12-20
Patents (Utility Model) 1994-06-25 2024-12-20 1994-06-25 2024-12-20
Slovakia (SK) Applications (Invention) 1993-07-07 2024-12-18 1993-07-07 2024-12-18
Applications (Utility Model) 2008-04-07 2024-12-18 2008-04-07 2024-12-18
Patents (Invention) 1993-12-08 2024-12-18 1993-12-08 2024-12-18
Patents (Utility Model) 2009-01-07 2024-12-18 2009-01-07 2024-12-18
Slovenia (SI) Patents (Additional Improvement) 1993-06-30 2003-06-30 1993-06-30 2003-06-30
Patents (Invention) 1992-11-27 2024-11-29 1992-11-27 2024-11-29
Patents (ShortTerm) 1992-12-31 2024-11-29 1992-12-31 2024-11-29
Spain (ES)
Applications (Invention) 1966-01-01 2024-12-18 2004-03-16 2024-12-13
Applications (Utility Model) 1929-10-16 2024-12-18 2001-02-01 2024-12-13
Patents (Invention) 1827-03-14 2024-12-18 2004-01-01 2024-12-13
Patents (Utility Model) 1930-02-16 2024-12-17 2018-02-23 2024-11-25
Switzerland (CH) Applications (Invention) 1962-01-31 2024-12-13 1980-01-15 2024-12-13
Patents (Invention) 1888-11-29 2024-12-13 1889-01-26 2024-12-13
Taiwan (TW) Applications (Invention) 2003-05-01 2024-12-16 2003-05-01 2024-11-16
Patents (Design) 1998-09-11 2024-12-21 2010-07-01 2024-12-11
Patents (Invention) 1990-10-11 2024-12-21 1991-01-21 2024-12-11

Biblio Only: Patents & Applications

These collections are for reference only and do not contain full-text.

Country/Authority Collection Bibliographic Full-Text
Earliest Latest Not Available
ARIPO (AP) Applications (Design) 1998-03-13 2019-06-03 N/A N/A
Applications (Invention) 1984-11-01 2017-07-31 N/A N/A
Patents (Design) 1991-01-11 2019-06-24 N/A N/A
Patents (Invention) 1985-07-03 2017-03-29 N/A N/A
Patents (Utility Model) 2002-06-06 2002-06-06 N/A N/A
Algeria (DZ) Patents (Invention) 2000-09-28 2006-09-06 N/A N/A
Argentina (AR) Applications (Invention) 1965-02-11 2024-11-27 N/A N/A
Applications (Utility Model) 1996-03-20 2024-10-23 N/A N/A
Patents (Invention) 1973-02-08 2015-09-23 N/A N/A
Armenia (AM) Patents (Invention) 2001-06-10 2006-09-15 N/A N/A
Patents (Utility Model) 2009-10-26 2010-04-26 N/A N/A
Belarus (BY) Patents (Invention) 1997-09-30 2018-06-30 N/A N/A
Patents (Utility Model) 2004-06-30 2019-04-30 N/A N/A
Bosnia & Herzegovina (BA) Applications (Invention) 1998-12-28 2001-09-14 N/A N/A
Patents (Invention) 1998-03-06 1999-08-02 N/A N/A
Chile (CL) Applications (Design) 2005-01-07 2024-10-25 N/A N/A
Applications (Invention) 1998-02-03 2024-10-25 N/A N/A
Applications (Utility Model) 2005-01-07 2024-10-25 N/A N/A
Patents (Invention) 2005-01-07 2017-03-10 N/A N/A
Patents (Utility Model) 2005-03-18 2005-06-03 N/A N/A
Colombia (CO) Applications (Design) 2018-01-31 2018-01-31 N/A N/A
Applications (Invention) 1995-02-13 2024-12-19 N/A N/A
Applications (Utility Model) 2006-05-31 2024-12-19 N/A N/A
Costa Rica (CR) Applications (Design) 1996-04-10 2024-10-28 N/A N/A
Applications (Invention) 1988-07-13 2024-10-30 N/A N/A
Applications (Utility Model) 1996-07-02 2024-10-03 N/A N/A
Croatia (HR) Applications (Invention) 1994-04-30 2024-12-20 N/A N/A
Patents (Consensual) 1995-12-31 2024-07-05 N/A N/A
Patents (Invention) 2006-11-30 2024-12-20 N/A N/A
Patents (Utility Model) 2021-01-22 2024-11-08 N/A N/A
Cuba (CU) Applications (Certificate of Invention) 2010-11-11 2012-04-15 N/A N/A
Applications (Design) 2013-05-31 2017-05-10 N/A N/A
Applications (Invention) 1968-03-12 2024-11-15 N/A N/A
Applications (Utility Model) 2014-01-29 2023-01-16 N/A N/A
Patents (Certificate of Invention) 1982-03-28 2012-12-17 N/A N/A
Patents (Design) 2013-12-27 2016-11-29 N/A N/A
Patents (Invention) 1968-11-11 2024-11-15 N/A N/A
Cyprus (CY) Patents (Invention) 1921-05-06 2024-12-13 N/A N/A
Dominican Republic (DO) Applications (Design) 1977-03-31 2024-09-30 N/A N/A
Applications (Invention) 1964-05-10 2024-10-31 N/A N/A
Applications (Utility Model) 1989-07-03 2024-08-15 N/A N/A
EUIPO (EM) Patents (Design) 2005-10-04 2017-02-16 N/A N/A
Ecuador (EC) Applications (Invention) 1990-10-01 2024-07-31 N/A N/A
Patents (Design) 1990-10-29 2024-07-31 N/A N/A
Patents (Utility Model) 1990-10-01 2024-07-31 N/A N/A
Egypt (EG) Patents (Invention) 1976-01-31 2016-06-23 N/A N/A
El Salvador (SV) Applications (Invention) 1970-03-10 2019-06-13 N/A N/A
Estonia (EE) Applications (Invention) 1995-12-15 2024-10-15 N/A N/A
Patents (Invention) 1996-04-15 2024-11-15 N/A N/A
Patents (Utility Model) 1994-10-17 2024-11-15 N/A N/A
Georgia (GE) Applications (Invention) 2006-04-10 2020-08-10 N/A N/A
Applications (Utility Model) 2004-02-10 2020-08-10 N/A N/A
Patents (Invention) 1998-01-06 2024-11-25 N/A N/A
Patents (Utility Model) 1993-05-01 2024-11-25 N/A N/A
Greece (GR) Applications (Invention) 1988-10-18 2024-11-11 N/A N/A
Applications (Utility Model) 1990-01-19 2024-11-11 N/A N/A
Patents (Invention) 1920-12-10 2024-10-30 N/A N/A
Patents (Utility Model) 1988-08-10 2024-10-24 N/A N/A
Guatemala (GT) Applications (Design) 1972-02-03 2019-08-08 N/A N/A
Applications (Invention) 1961-12-30 2019-11-13 N/A N/A
Applications (Utility Model) 1986-10-29 2019-05-29 N/A N/A
Gulf Cooperation Council (GC) Patents (Invention) 2002-10-30 2012-11-14 N/A N/A
Honduras (HN) Applications (Design) 1996-02-05 2015-06-29 N/A N/A
Applications (Invention) 1996-01-19 2015-10-12 N/A N/A
Applications (Utility Model) 1996-05-12 2015-08-03 N/A N/A
Hong Kong (HK) Patents (Invention) 1976-03-05 2018-02-02 N/A N/A
Patents (ShortTerm) 1998-05-01 2023-03-03 N/A N/A
Patents (Standard) 1997-10-03 2021-07-16 N/A N/A
Iceland (IS) Applications (Invention) 1925-09-26 2021-03-10 N/A N/A
Patents (Invention) 1925-04-01 2024-01-15 N/A N/A
Indonesia (ID) Applications (Invention) 1988-11-26 2019-11-08 N/A N/A
Applications (Utility Model) 1996-07-22 2001-12-27 N/A N/A
Patents (Invention) 1992-07-29 2021-02-07 N/A N/A
Ireland (IE) Applications (Invention) 1985-01-15 2024-11-20 N/A N/A
Patents (Invention) 1930-01-03 2024-11-20 N/A N/A
Israel (IL) Applications (Invention) 1958-02-13 2024-12-01 N/A N/A
Patents (Invention) 2018-01-31 2024-12-01 N/A N/A
Italy (IT) Applications (Invention) 1981-07-03 2024-09-10 N/A N/A
Applications (Utility Model) 1978-01-02 2024-08-23 N/A N/A
Patents (Invention) 1921-11-28 2017-05-15 N/A N/A
Patents (Utility Model) 1978-05-12 2014-03-10 N/A N/A
Jordan (JO) Applications (Invention) 2017-06-16 2023-01-30 N/A N/A
Patents (Invention) 1971-10-10 2021-01-31 N/A N/A
Kazakhstan (KZ) Applications (Invention) 1999-04-15 2016-09-30 N/A N/A
Patents (Invention) 1993-12-10 2019-07-16 N/A N/A
Kenya (KE) Patents (Invention) 1975-07-11 1989-09-01 N/A N/A
Kyrgyzstan (KG) Patents (Invention) 2002-03-30 2013-06-28 N/A N/A
Macao (MO) Applications (Invention) 2014-10-15 2014-10-15 N/A N/A
Malawi (MW) Patents (Invention) 1973-05-09 1994-10-12 N/A N/A
Malaysia (MY) Patents (Invention) 1953-12-31 2024-09-30 N/A N/A
Malta (MT) Patents (Invention) 1968-06-25 2023-11-14 N/A N/A
Mexico (MX) Applications (Invention) 1992-02-03 2024-09-30 N/A N/A
Patents (Certificate of Invention) 1980-01-02 1991-06-27 N/A N/A
Patents (Invention) 1980-10-14 2023-03-02 N/A N/A
Monaco (MC) Patents (Additional Improvement) 1958-03-11 2009-10-14 N/A N/A
Patents (Invention) 1957-12-13 2024-06-25 N/A N/A
Mongolia (MN) Patents (Certificate of Invention) 1972-11-20 1989-06-15 N/A N/A
Montenegro (ME) Applications (Invention) 2009-02-10 2018-07-20 N/A N/A
Patents (Invention) 2004-07-15 2021-04-20 N/A N/A
Morocco (MA) Applications (Invention) 2015-01-30 2024-05-31 N/A N/A
Patents (Invention) 1957-12-31 2024-05-31 N/A N/A
New Zealand (NZ) Patents (Invention) 1900-01-01 2024-11-29 N/A N/A
Nicaragua (NI) Patents (Design) 2010-01-26 2021-12-16 N/A N/A
Patents (Invention) 2003-11-05 2021-12-21 N/A N/A
Patents (Utility Model) 2010-03-05 2017-10-20 N/A N/A
Norway (NO) Applications (Invention) 1968-07-01 2024-11-25 N/A N/A
Patents (Invention) 1915-01-04 2024-11-25 N/A N/A
OAPI (OA) Patents (Invention) 1966-01-15 2020-12-11 N/A N/A
Panama (PA) Applications (Invention) 1996-05-20 2010-07-27 N/A N/A
Peru (PE) Applications (Invention) 1991-01-10 2024-10-28 N/A N/A
Applications (Utility Model) 1991-01-07 2024-10-28 N/A N/A
Philippines (PH) Applications (Invention) 2003-03-18 2022-02-28 N/A N/A
Patents (Invention) 1975-07-03 2022-07-04 N/A N/A
Poland (PL) Applications (Invention) 1973-02-28 2024-12-09 N/A N/A
Applications (Utility Model) 1993-08-23 2024-12-09 N/A N/A
Patents (Invention) 1924-05-26 2024-12-23 N/A N/A
Patents (Utility Model) 1993-06-30 2024-12-09 N/A N/A
Republic of Moldova (MD) Applications (Plant) 2003-02-28 2004-06-30 N/A N/A
Applications (ShortTerm) 2015-12-31 2024-08-31 N/A N/A
Applications (Utility Model) 1994-09-30 2024-11-30 N/A N/A
Patents (Invention) 1995-01-31 2024-11-30 N/A N/A
Patents (Plant) 2003-08-31 2003-08-31 N/A N/A
Patents (ShortTerm) 2009-01-31 2024-11-30 N/A N/A
Patents (Utility Model) 1994-01-31 2024-11-30 N/A N/A
San Marino (SM) Applications (Design) 2001-04-05 2017-01-10 N/A N/A
Applications (Invention) 2000-02-16 2015-05-05 N/A N/A
Patents (Design) 2001-04-05 2017-03-08 N/A N/A
Patents (Invention) 2000-02-16 2017-03-08 N/A N/A
Saudi Arabia (SA) Applications (Invention) 2005-12-03 2005-12-03 N/A N/A
Patents (Invention) 1995-12-23 2024-09-15 N/A N/A
Serbia (RS) Applications (Invention) 2006-05-25 2024-11-29 N/A N/A
Patents (Invention) 2006-10-27 2024-11-29 N/A N/A
Patents (Petty) 2006-10-27 2024-11-29 N/A N/A
Singapore (SG) Applications (Invention) 1990-08-17 2021-12-30 N/A N/A
Patents (Invention) 1983-02-25 2001-08-21 N/A N/A
South Africa (ZA) Patents (Design) 2005-01-19 2024-09-25 N/A N/A
Patents (Invention) 1958-02-05 2024-12-18 N/A N/A
Sweden (SE) Applications (Invention) 1968-07-01 2024-12-03 N/A N/A
Patents (Invention) 1885-06-05 2024-12-10 N/A N/A
Tajikistan (TJ) Applications (Invention) 1998-10-28 2007-06-05 N/A N/A
Patents (Invention) 1996-07-16 2007-07-16 N/A N/A
Patents (Petty) 2005-07-14 2012-03-28 N/A N/A
Patents (Utility Model) 1998-11-14 2005-05-06 N/A N/A
Thailand (TH) Applications (Design) 1980-09-16 2024-08-26 N/A N/A
Applications (Invention) 1980-08-13 2024-10-28 N/A N/A
Patents (Design) 1981-12-21 2020-08-06 N/A N/A
Patents (Invention) 1980-08-13 2024-01-22 N/A N/A
Trinidad & Tobago (TT) Patents (Invention) 1994-06-16 1995-12-08 N/A N/A
Tunisia (TN) Applications (Invention) 1990-01-01 2024-07-04 N/A N/A
Turkey (TR) Applications (Invention) 1996-06-21 2024-10-21 N/A N/A
Applications (Utility Model) 1996-06-21 2024-10-21 N/A N/A
Patents (Invention) 1973-01-01 2024-10-21 N/A N/A
Patents (Utility Model) 2003-02-21 2024-08-21 N/A N/A
Ukraine (UA) Patents (Declarative Invention) 2000-08-15 2007-11-26 N/A N/A
Patents (Declarative Utility Model) 2001-07-16 2006-09-15 N/A N/A
Patents (Invention) 1980-08-15 2024-12-18 N/A N/A
Patents (Utility Model) 1995-06-30 2024-12-18 N/A N/A
Uruguay (UY) Applications (Design) 2002-01-31 2023-01-31 N/A N/A
Applications (Invention) 1989-03-15 2023-01-31 N/A N/A
Applications (Utility Model) 1990-05-16 2023-01-31 N/A N/A
Uzbekistan (UZ) Patents (Invention) 1997-12-30 2017-07-31 N/A N/A
Patents (Utility Model) 2009-01-30 2018-12-29 N/A N/A
Vietnam (VN) Patents (Certificate of Invention) 1984-07-06 1991-04-25 N/A N/A
Patents (Invention) 1986-12-22 2015-01-26 N/A N/A
Patents (Utility Model) 1989-09-24 1996-10-25 N/A N/A
Yugoslavia/Serbia and Montenegro (YU) Applications (Invention) 1973-02-28 2008-04-04 N/A N/A
Patents (Invention) 1963-09-30 2006-08-17 N/A N/A
Patents (Utility Model) 1997-01-08 2006-08-17 N/A N/A
Zambia (ZM) Patents (Invention) 1968-10-16 1994-05-25 N/A N/A
Zimbabwe (ZW) Patents (Invention) 1980-09-03 1995-01-25 N/A N/A

InnovationQ+™ Non-Patent Literature Coverage

Source Collection Earliest Latest Prior Art Database
The Journal
2000-10-12 2025-01-02
Internet Society RFC
1968-02-01 2024-12-01
IBM TDB Archive [ backfile ]
1958-06-01 2003-02-28
Legacy Journals [ backfile ]
1975-01-01 2016-09-08
Software Patent Institute [ backfile ]
1887-04-30 2007-04-24
Cornell University Library arXiv
1986-04-25 2024-12-30
1996-12-12 2024-05-21
PubMed Central
1781-01-01 2025-01-02
[ publishers ]
OnePetro Periodicals
1885-12-01 2025-01-01
OnePetro Conferences
1933-07-18 2024-12-02
IEEE Xplore
IEEE Periodicals
1884-05-01 2024-12-25
IEEE Conferences
1936-08-01 2024-12-04
IEEE Standards (includes Drafts)
1890-02-02 2024-12-24
IEEE Early Access
Updated regularly
SMPTE Periodicals
1916-10-01 2023-11-01
SMPTE Conferences
1969-10-01 2023-10-01
SMPTE Standards
1964-04-12 2023-11-30
MIT Press Periodicals
1989-01-01 2025-01-03
MIT Press eBooks
1943 2025
Wiley-IEEE eBooks
1984 2024
Wiley Telecom eBooks
2005 2024
IBM Periodicals
1957-01-01 2020-08-24
Now Publishers eBooks
2004 2024
URSI Periodicals
2002-09-01 2021-09-01
VDE Conferences
2005-04-10 2024-08-01
Periodicals from China
1990-07-01 2025-04-01
Ericsson Periodicals
2020-02-01 2024-08-01
Packt-IEEE eBooks
2021 2025-01-02
Manning-IEEE eBooks
2012 2025-01-02

InnovationQ+ Licensable Technologies Coverage

Source Collection Updates and Coverage
Various Corporate Coverage varies by origin
University Coverage varies by origin

Corporate Tree Data works with S&P Global Market Intelligence to create its Corporate Tree. S&P provides an extensive international database containing over 32.8 million companies, universities, government agencies, organizations, foundations, and other entities along with over 13.7 million ownership/relationship records. On a quarterly basis, uses sophisticated processing methods to match S&P names/relationships against the patent data. The most recent S&P snapshot was taken on 2024-09-01; processing this information produced over 439,000 unique company connections to our patent databases. (For example, over 80% of US Patent Application Publications are connected to S&P Corporate Tree records.)

Litigation Data

Litigation data is sourced from MaxVal via IFI CLAIMS and includes all US District Court cases (from 2004) and Patent Trial and Appeal Board cases (from 2012, excluding Ex Parte Reexamination), as well as cases from other jurisdictions internationally. Additional US cases date back to 1980 and include cases from the International Trade Commission, the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit and the US Supreme Court. This collection is updated continuously as new cases become available. Coverage for these jurisdictions, including earliest and latest cited patent publications, is provided in the table below.

Country/Authority Collection Documents Earliest Latest
Canada (CA)
1,149 1990-05-14 2023-11-16
1,179 1870-03-29 2024-04-30
China (CN)
113,105 1985-11-10 2021-06-29
72,811 1985-09-10 2024-05-14
Denmark (DK)
4 1997-04-07 2004-03-22
3,001 1979-01-24 2021-07-28
2,810 1981-01-07 2024-08-28
Finland (FI)
3 1989-03-21 1992-11-30
1 1993-03-10 1993-03-10
France (FR)
965 1972-11-17 2020-07-17
591 1931-05-08 2024-01-05
Germany (DE + DD)
1,355 1960-04-28 2023-12-14
2,156 1924-08-05 2024-11-14
Great Britain (GB)
233 1979-03-07 2021-08-18
163 1921-06-23 2022-03-23
Japan (JP)
3,770 1975-07-11 2022-02-25
2,939 1975-01-31 2023-07-19
Korea (KR)
623 1985-10-02 2019-06-05
705 1990-02-28 2024-05-28
Netherlands (NL)
23 1971-05-27 2018-09-11
28 1981-05-15 2019-01-25
Portugal (PT)
1 2012-12-12 2012-12-12
United States (US)
37,312 2001-03-15 2024-10-03
69,632 1855-03-20 2024-10-29
58 1992-10-15 2023-07-27